Executive and Team

Coaching Services

Schedule a Discovery Call to explore which coaching solutions are right for your business. 

Team Coaching

While teams are the building blocks of any organization, most teams are not very effective. Highly functional teams pay attention to others, listen more thoughtfully, develop innovative solutions, engage in conflict productively and accept personal discomfort to achieve team objectives. We provide tools and processes to help teams achieve their goals by communicating in ways that raise morale, increase alignment, improve performance and provide continuous learning and development. Learn how to create, manage and lead teams that inspire collective effort and create strong bonds so all stakeholders inside and outside your organization benefit.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes emphasis on:

- Team Communication Strategies and Authentic Conversations
- Coordinating Roles and Responsibilities
- Reciprocity and Mutual Support
- Accountability

Change Leadership

To successfully move organizations into the future, business leaders must have an ability to influence and inspire their employees through vision, strategic planning, passion, drive and personal advocacy.
In addition, they need to be able to access resources to build a solid foundation and manage the fear, anxiety and uncertainty that is caused by change. Learn how to foster a climate of experimentation and innovative thinking, push your organization to adopt new initiatives, determine which creative ideas will pay off and position your business for the future.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes emphasis on:

- Generating New Ideas
- Influencing without Authority
- Building Consensus
- Managing Fear and Anxiety

Developing International Leaders

Managing people from different cultures in different organizational arenas and across time zones requires unique skill sets. We focus on developing essential competencies that enable leaders to rise to the challenges of leading multinational operations, and provide a foundation to build upon the behaviors and cognitive and social skills needed to lead successfully.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes emphasis on:

- Self-Awareness
- Self-Regulation
- Cultural Sensitivity
- Motivating Others
- Engagement in Personal Transformation
- Inquisitiveness and Curiosity
- Managing Complexity/Ambiguity

Creating a Growth Culture

Successful businesses have employees who understand the direction and purpose of the business, who align around the roles and responsibilities needed to implement the work, who are enthusiastic ambassadors for all internal and external stakeholders and who are loyal and committed to those leading the business. While everyone talks about the importance of culture, most don’t understand how to create it, nurture it or change it when necessary. We can help you change the culture of your business by providing you with the concepts, tools and skills needed to create a positive growth culture where your employees are engaged, loyal, committed and have a clear vision for themselves and your company.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes emphasis on:

- Creating Values
- Authentic Communication
- Building Trust
- Managing Conflict
- Fostering Self and Other Awareness

Strategic and Innovative Thinking

Strategic and Innovative Thinking-Strategic and innovative thinking is a process that lays out how people think about, evaluate, view, and create a future for their business. Learn the tools and skills to develop a process of visioning, planning, implementing and revising so that your business is better able to anticipate what is coming, and align around the roles and responsibilities necessary to implement the changes and manage the challenges that will arise.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes emphasis on:

- Vision and Purpose
- Understanding Competition
- Decision Making
- Big Picture Thinking
- Strategy Tactics and Innovative Thinking
- Entrepreneurial Thinking

Coach Skill Development

Coaching is a partnership between a coach and coachee that is designed to be thought-provoking and helps the coachee solve problems and issues that move him or her forward personally or professionally. Learn the coaching tools and skills needed to motivate, delegate, develop and hold your people accountable for their performance so they can grow into high functioning employees, and you can focus on the leadership tasks that should demand most of your attention.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes an emphasis on:

-Assessing Issues Problems and Current State
-Active Listening
-Asking Powerful Questions
-Challenging Thinking to Overcome -Obstacles and Develop New Possibilities
-Giving Great Feedback and Feed Forward
-Holding others Accountable

Leading with Confidence

A lack of confidence or "Imposter Syndrome" gets in the way of career progression - and is one of the more common significant challenges faced by those who want to be effective leaders but aren't. While everyone may have doubts about their abilities from time to time, too many doubts can result in a lack of influence and authority as well as derail a career. We work with people to change their mindset so they can achieve the career and life they deserve.

MVision offers half day and one day workshops or one-on-one coaching that includes emphasis on:

- Self-Awareness
- Resilience
- Decisiveness
- Managing Conflict
- Accountability

Schedule a discovery call