prepare for executive coaching

How To Prepare For Executive Coaching

How To Prepare For Executive Coaching

In order for you to absorb information and truly learn from an experience, you must allow yourself to be open and available for adaptation and change. 

Think about it this way…

When you were younger, how much of your math class can you actually remember? Now, how many popular songs can you recall and know all the lyrics to? 

It’s all about allowing the information to be retained because you believe it has value and purpose. 

So if you’re going to be having an executive or leadership coaching session or workshop, how can you adequately prepare for it? 

In our last article, we discussed the characteristics of highly functional teams at work. Today we will talk about how to prepare for executive coaching. 

Keep An Open Mind

As we said above, to get the most out of your executive coaching session, you have to keep an open mind. If you go in with the idea that everything you do is already correct, you will gain nothing. 

You must put your ego aside and let the coach (the expert) help you achieve more. That’s the goal, isn’t it? Being a more efficient leader or team member? 

prepare for executive coaching

Set Goals

Speaking of goals, once you decide that you will allow the information of the executive or team coaching session to help you do more as an employee, you will want to set some goals for professional development

Ask yourself: 

  • What do I feel like I lack in terms of leadership characteristics? How do I gain them? 
  • What are my strengths, and how do I go about improving them further? 
  • What is one thing I’d like to gain from this session? 
  • How can I be a more effective leader? 

Get Involved

If there’s one way to retain information, it’s by getting involved in the session. Being an active listener and active participant will help you absorb and understand the information and advice being given. 

Ask questions and speak up! A healthy debate will allow you to acknowledge that maybe your way of doing things isn’t always the best! As a result, you might learn a new process or new strategic thinking method that allows you to plan even further ahead. 

Continue The Lesson

Once the coaching session has ended, don’t stop there; continue on throughout the week and month, highlighting different aspects of the training and work with your team to find out what kind of knowledge they gained from the session. One of the benefits of leadership coaching is that the lesson never really ends! You’re always going to learn and adapt using the tools you’ve been given during the workshop. 

The more you use the information given, the more useful and beneficial it will be to your team and business. 

Prepare For Executive Coaching & Then Call MVision Consulting

Prepare for executive coaching by scheduling a discovery call with MVision. That is step one. 

Once you’ve decided to work with Dr. Marc Camras, you’ll want to continue bringing him into work with your team, utilizing all of his resources and wealth of knowledge that he has to offer. 

Whether it’s having a session about cultural sensitivity, change leadership, or creating a growth culture in your workplace, Dr. Marc Camras of MVision Consulting can help elevate your team and create a synergy like you’ve never had before.